International Bible Givers

Giving God's Word Free Since 1989
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From the Chairman

IBG Chairman Chuck Hayes

Updates from Afar

Let me ask you a question. What would you share from the Word of God with persecuted Christians in Pakistan? A church that’s had buildings and homes burned. A church community who had a family murdered because they accepted Christ and has members incarcerated right now for their faith.

It’s late June, and I was just sitting down (2 weeks late) to write my blog. I decided earlier today to change to a new topic, and then my phone rang. It’s been several years since we have been able to place Bibles in Pakistan. We’ve talked about it. I’ve asked you to pray about it. But the door has remained closed….

Pastor “D” was literally calling me from Pakistan. I thought it was a spam call because my phone didn’t recognize the phone number, and yet I felt prompted to answer. I am amazed how people find me. We don’t hide our contact information, but our phone numbers are not exactly on the website. But every now and then, people do the hard work to track me down - because they desperately need Bibles. And that is why Pastor D was calling.

I shared that we have indeed provided many Urdu Bibles into Pakistan, but that our conduit has been closed these last couple years. He shared how his congregation of 25 has grown to four figures, but his vision was to see 20 million Pakistanis come to faith in Jesus Christ. I laughed and said, well, we can’t provide you with 20 million Urdu Bibles, but we know a God who can.

As we exchanged information, he asked me to consider connecting electronically some Saturday with his church to share the Gospel and encourage his people. So I am praying about it, and asking God what He would have me share with His persecuted church. As you pray fervently for our conduit into Pakistan to open, pray about what it is I would share with His peoples in Pakistan.

We shared an update recently from your placement of 250 Oromo Bibles late last year into Ethiopia. Here is an edited second report just received:

“God has answered our prayers.” These are the words of one of the recipients of an Oromo Bible in Ethiopia, made possible through your support. The distribution of Oromo Bibles continues and new believers, including many former Muslims, are coming to faith in Christ.

Four years ago, “G” accepted Christ, and for much of that time he waited for a Bible. His prayer was answered when he received an Oromo Bible sent by you. “We requested for Bibles in Oromia language for many years without having an answer. Now God has answered our prayers. It is the prayer of a generation that was answered. Even the younger generation who attended university struggled to read and understand the Amharic language Bible version. The Oromo Bible is so important for the young ones as well as the older believers. We are so grateful.”s, which have been placed in the hands of new believers,

When “G” became a Christian, he came to church but only heard the Word from the preacher; there was no Bible in his hands and he didn’t know what verses were being referenced. “To have a Bible means you can read God’s Word for yourself,” he said. And if you have your own Bible, you can study it at home. “The Bible helped me to grow spiritually,”

“G” has begun daily Scripture readings with his large family of seven children. When they have questions, he can answer directly from God’s Word. “So, following me, the whole family has become followers of Jesus!” “G”’s mother strongly resisted becoming a Christian. She would challenge him, asking what difference it would make if she knew Jesus. But after he received his Bible and had the daily readings, when he witnessed to her and she had questions, he answered her with specific words from God. After a time, she came to the Lord as well!

The rest of “G”’s story will have to wait. IGB desires to place 1000 Oromo Bibles into Ethiopia this year, and the first 250 of those left last week. The funding for the next 250 has just come in and will ship in July. Pray for the funding for the other 500 Bibles to come in and pray daily for this new Pakistan connection.

Give Hope! Give Life! Give Bibles!
