International Bible Givers

Giving God's Word Free Since 1989

Daily Bread

If you’ve been to IBG meetings in recent years, you’ve probably heard me encouraging everyone to pray the Lord’s Prayer as a mission prayer. We’ve previously unpacked the phrase “Hallowed be thy name” as asking God to make is name known and honored – hallowed – from one end of the earth to the other. Quite missional! It is so easy to treat this amazing prayer as a ritual prayer to be recited without reflection, so let’s unpack another phrase.

Matt 6:11 “Give us this day our daily bread”. It seems obvious what this is about - a reminder that everything we have comes from Him and we are dependent upon God for all we need. At a mission conference this week, a speaker referenced this and asked if this meant anything more than wishing for a meal at Chick-fil-A. Or Chipotle, or a basket full of groceries from Costco? Well, it certainly means the food we need to live and thrive, but so much more.

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Online Bible Resources

Are you able to use a digital copy of God’s Word?

International Bible Givers is assembling a list of free online Bible resources. IBG provides physical Bibles to couriers, who in turn distribute God’s Word around the world, but sometimes a physical Bible is not always necessary or practical.

We do not own or control any of these sites and as such, do not endorse these sites. We do however believe that the right online Bible resource can provide a lot of value and convenience.

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