Leadership, while difficult, actually follows a simple formula. I will often ask leaders “what is you’re A to B”? A is where your ministry or business is today. And B is where you are trying to get to. I can’t tell you how many leaders I talk to who cannot articulate what their “B” is. The old adage says if you don’t know where you are going, you will never get there. In business, if you are not growing, you are likely dying. I think it is similar for churches and ministry, though the measurement is a bit different.
When I started leading IBG, I brought with me a very clear A to B. Upon my first visit to IBG, I remarked (affectionately) about the “amazing room full of gray-haired people”. It was a marvelous ministry, but it needed to transition to a new generation, or that marvelous ministry would cease to be as its founders and patrons passed from this earth. My “B” vision was to transition the ministry to a new generation, and to double our Bible-giving capacity.
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